The Econopian Way


Before there was GoZERO I (David Andre) felt there had to be a way of reviving a common sense of what is good and right. Individuals and organizations seem to continue to splinter and polarize, and fewer and fewer of our institutions much less ideals aren’t colored by scandal or shortcomings. However, in our more human moments it is still possible to find common ground and even agree to disagree when necessary.

I wanted to create an accessible and defensible ideal that all could rally around which would side step the baggage of existing slogans and dogmas.

The name Econopia is a made up word which is intended to sound like and bring to mind notions of economy, ecology, community, utopia, cornucopia, honest work, peace, plenty, a little grit and hustle, stewardship, accountability, and pragmatism. There’s also a hard ‘no’ in there which is intended to harken to self denial and holding that in order to be good and healthy there are some things which should be rejected like substance abuse etc.

Econopia is a place where people and life works together for good, where there is enough to share, freedom reigns, and every person enjoys “their own vine and fig tree and no one makes them afraid.” – Washington and before him Micha

Especially, once you’ve slowed down to try to say it, Econopia has a way of sticking with you, and depending on how you group and emphasize the parts it can sound very different, an homage to how so often disagreements can be issues of perspective or preferred resolution centered around an agreed upon problem. To say “Econopia'' can be challenging, just like navigating life and its many complexities.

Econopia is a place or state of being rather than a call to action or verb like many other names have become. In full disclosure, many of the virtues aspired to have their roots in Western Judeo Christian traditions. However, Christianity itself is more exclusive and belief driven where Econopia is intended to be more behaviorally focused and inclusive. If what you are doing is good, Econopia is less worried about why. Just keep doing good.

“The Econopian Way” are principles to rally around in establishing what is good and then making sure one stay accountable to that plumb line.

The Three Parts of the Econopian Way

People First

People are #1) equal with inalienable rights within natural law which is for and by people, not rulers or institutions, #2) good, though frequently subject to circumstances which dissuade them from that good, and #3) more than just natural beings.

Freedom & Self-reliance Over Subjugation

Peace and prosperity have always been most successfully achieved through rule of law, freedom, diversity, competition, charity, and family with balance given to consumption, production, and capitalization across public, private, and non-profit ideals.

Specifically what works is allowing fruitfulness to come from and be enjoyed by those who sew and tend the seed with the expectation that they then also freely care for those in need.

History shows that checks and balances across separation of powers and “the rule of threes” works.

Heuristics over Empirics

Nature and science are only part of how it is possible to understand what is, and these have yet to fully understand our origins much less what is today. Spirit, faith, God, quantum physics, dark matter, etc seem to be that which lies beyond what’s empirically knowable through nature and science. Our world is too beautiful to hate anyone because of how they try to understand it via science, spirit, or otherwise.

Allow good to be a means toward rather than the enemy of perfect.