Terms were updated effective 2025-01-01 For terms details, request a service quote and agreement.

Our Approach

GoZERO’s service and operational approach is to love Jesus with everything we’ve got and to love our neighbors as we would like to be loved. To that end It is always GoZERO’s intention to provide more than ample time, dialogue, documentation, service, and support – providing "if this then that" communications in writing when needed, and making sure all services and actions are as expected, understood, and build toward an exceptional experience that is second to none.


Onboarding Process

Routine service setup involves the following steps.

  1. Service & Program Q&A

  2. Job (or Jobs) Service Request Application(s)

  3. Request Review & Full or Contingent Approval

  4. Profile Setup

    • Program Champion 

    • Billing Account

    • Service Location (or Locations)

  5. Initial (or Event) Invoice

  6. Scheduling

  7. Container Placement

  8. If Event Service

    • Service and container removal

    • Closeout review and communication as needed

  9. If Routine Services

    • Introductory Usage Based Pilot

    • Communication as needed

    • Transition to Fixed Container Based Pricing if Routine Services 

Service Definition

Provider agrees to place collection containers at Client’s location(s) listed in one or more Exhibit E (Job Profile) exhibits and subsequently collect compostable material from the same and transport them to a legally licensed and/or permitted (jurisdiction dependant) composter. Failure to collect accessible compostables at Provider’s fault is what constitutes a missed service.

Tipping vs Swapping

Provider reserves the right to tip empty and service containers onsite, leaving serviced carts onsite with clients, or swap full containers for empty containers resulting in the same net service to Client.

Material Destination

Provider agrees to transport collected compostables to a legally licensed and/or permitted (jurisdiction dependant) composter.

Acceptable Material

Only the below listed materials are acceptable for composting with the Provider. 

  • Fruits & Veggies

  • Meat & Dairy

  • Baked Goods & Pasta

  • Fats & Sugars

  • Beans & Eggs

  • Non-plastic Coated Paper

  • Wood, Yard, & Animal Waste

  • Certified Compostables

For more detailed listings and information visit gozero.org/compostable

Complimentary Services

Container lining, container washing, and data reporting are complimentary services provided without guarantee or warranty as part of food waste to composting service visits. A failure to line, wash, or report as part of food waste to composting service visit does not constitute a missed service.

Washing and lining are typically only available as part of rollout cart-based services.


Rollout cart-style containers will typically be lined with a complimentary certified compostable liner bag in order to help keep the carts tidy.


Rollout cart-style containers will, at the Provider's discretion, typically be washed as needed, weather permitting, and complimentary in order to help keep the carts tidy.

Data Reporting

Gallons, pounds, container counts, contamination metrics, pictures, and notes will typically be provided complimentary and passively via a shared online data log in order to aid Client impact tracking.


It is Provider’s intent to over communicate any significant change in service in order to avoid any unexpected surprises. Provider does reserve the right to periodically reschedule regular service within a given week in order to optimize routing for greater efficiencies.

Regular Service Window

Provider will communicate what days to expect service. Routine service is typically scheduled Monday through Thursday 7AM to 7PM – twice weekly, weekly, every other week, or in special cases every four weeks.

Service may be executed before 7AM or after 7PM due to delays or scheduling needs. Clients are encouraged to make sure their containers are accessible at close of business the prior day and remain accessible until business opening the following day.


Provider observes the following United States Federal Holidays. Service will be moved one day if it is regularly scheduled on an observed holiday and may be moved if within the week of an observed holiday.


  • New Year’s Day January 1

  • Martin Luther King’s Birthday 3rd Monday in January

  • Washington’s Birthday 3rd Monday in February

  • Memorial Day last Monday in May

  • Juneteenth National Independence Day June 19

  • Independence Day July 4

  • Labor Day 1st Monday in September

  • Columbus Day 2nd Monday in October

  • Veterans’ Day November 11

  • Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November

  • Christmas Day December 25


The Provider, in the event of unavoidable weather or mechanical issues, may communicate with the Client concerning a delay or rescheduling of one or more service visits. Every effort will be made to maintain continuity of service, and a delayed service visit does not constitute a missed service visit.

Changes & Emergencies

Changes can include adding or removing containers or service visits, or requesting products be dropped off as part of a service visit. There are three types of changes – Planned, Unplanned, and Emergency.

Planned Changes

Planned changes are communicated by the Client to the Provider at the beginning of each service agreement term and may include skipped or added service visits, or added or removed containers.

For example, a school may choose to designate specific summer, winter, and spring pauses in service. A venue with a busy season may request additional containers for a specific number of weeks, or a location with a low tolerance for insects may request more frequent service in July and August.

If no other request is made, schools typically are offered August 15th through June 15th service with a “pre-check” and “wind down” service visit in order to make sure containers are staged for the seasonal start and pause respectively.

Unplanned Changes

Unplanned changes are those which are requested after the service agreement term has begun any time PRIOR to noon on the Wednesday of the week prior to when the changes are to be executed.

There is no fee for making an unplanned change, but in the case of a service visit skip or early service termination the base service visit fee will still be charged per visit if the skipped or terminated visit was not indicated at the beginning of the service agreement term.

Emergency Changes

Emergency changes are those which are requested after the service agreement term has begun any time AFTER noon on the Wednesday of the week prior to when the changes are to occur.

These changes can typically be executed if they are received by noon one day prior to when the change is to be executed. The Provider will make every effort but may not be able to provide emergency changes if they are requested after noon one day prior to when the change is to be executed.

Emergency scheduling fees apply when emergency changes are executed. Provider will, upfront, make every effort to consult on best most cost effective resolution as well as fees associated with emergency changes if Client requests emergency changes.

Containers & Equipment 

Rollout Carts (carts)

64 gallon, lidded, watertight, rollout carts (22”x24”x42”) are standard equipment for routine route-based services. 32 gallon carts are also available on a limited basis.

Rolloff Boxes (boxes)

Lidless and non-watertight 20 cubic yard rolloff boxes are available in most areas. Lidded and watertight boxes may be available.

Buckets & Ease Peel Lids

5 gallon buckets and ease peel lids are available for purchase and delivery.

Compostable Cart Liners

Compostable cart liners are available for purchase and delivery.


Signage for use at publicly accessible compost containers as well as back-of-house settings is available.

Transport Types & Service Area 

“Route” and “round trip” transport fees are available in core, standard, extended, and developing service areas on a county-by-county basis.

Route Transport

Route transport and associated fees are incurred when services are executed as part of a regular “milk run” style route by Provider. Typically route based services lead to a significant cost reduction as compared to round trip transport because multiple locations can be serviced while driving fewer miles. Transport fees are included in the price of route based cart services in core service areas. Additional transport fees are added per service visit for all route based cart services in non-core service areas. 

Round Trip Transport

Round trip transport and associated fees are incurred when services are executed as part of a dedicated point-to-point service where Provider originates from and returns to a base of operations only providing services to a single Client. All emergency services and box-based services are round trip-based when calculating transport fees.

Service Areas

Core, standard, extended, and developing service areas respectively in order from least expensive to most are standardized transport fee levels charged per service visit based on a location’s county on either a route or round trip basis. Provider may waive or reduce county based service area transport fees if a location can be serviced at a lesser cost.

Point of Service

Container Placement

Provider at its sole discretion arranges and agrees to place its containers and related property at one point of service per service location to be used by approved persons in connection with compostable item collection services.

Containers may be moved and returned to the point of service by Client, taking care not to damage the containers or make a mess with contents. Provider is not responsible if at the time of service containers are not present at the point of service.

Point of service, location, and other job profile details may be requested to be changed by Client at any time.

Per point of service, containers must all be accessible within a 20 foot radius area to avoid additional fees.

Containers may be placed on elevated loading docks, but a means of moving containers to the ground must be passively accessible.


It is Client’s responsibility to make the point of service passively accessible without time constraints for container placement and servicing.

If Client is not able to make the point of service passively accessible without time constraints, it is Client's responsibility to assist Provider in accessing containers, and additional fees may apply (see fee schedule).

Missed service due to lack of container access at the point of service, despite the Provider’s attempt to access, does NOT constitute a missed service.

Issue Management

Service issues such as but not limited to non-compostable contamination, overfilling, underfilling, vectors (i.e. pests, odors, leachate, and litter), and equipment damage or loss will all be addressed as proactively as possible when raised either as a concern of the Client or as issues reported by the Provider as part of a service visit.

In the interest of maintaining a successful and thriving composting program onsite, corrective actions will be taken by the Provider whenever it is within the Provider’s ability or responsibility to do so. 

3 Strikes & Hardball

In cases where issues threaten the success of a composting program, Provider will employ the “three strike” and “hardball” approach to a resolution allowing at least three communications referencing three in instances of the issue occurring  (described below) and, in cases where regulatory compliance and safety are at risk, setting hardball parameters "if this then that" for issue resolution independent of Client approval in order to course correct.

It is always the Provider’s intention to over-communicate, provide more than ample dialogue, documentation, and support, making "if this then that" communications in writing regarding issues which may impact services and to do everything possible to make sure composting services and programming are successful with no surprises along the way, especially if corrective fees and actions become necessary.

However, there are many instances where the action needed goes beyond what the Provider is able to do. In those instances, recommendations and requests will be offered to the Client regarding best practices for addressing a given issue. In these instances, ultimately the resolution of the issue and success of the program may lie with the Client.

Under & Over Use

Under Use

Under use, especially as a result of a sudden or relatively sudden change, can be an indicator that there is something not working quite right within the onsite compost programming. Provider will communicate if there is a concern related to under use. Many times Provider is able to help alert program leadership of issues before they are discovered in house.

Over Use

Over use occurs when the net volume of material collected exceeds the net volume of the containers placed. Specifically when cart lids do not sit squarely on cart bodies or in extreme cases material is stacked on top of and/or around containers. At Provider’s discretion when surplus material exceeds 10% total container capacity additional overage container equivalency fees may be incurred.

Over-filling containers presents problems with schedule and labor planning, and it also invites pest, odor, leachate, litter, safety, and legal issues. If over-filling becomes an issue Provider will document and communicate, typically recommending additional service. If utilization is not reduced or service increased, and especially if related issues surface, corrective action will be taken.


If material surpluses occur and the Provider has to manually handle surplus material in order to execute collection, loading it into containers or transport vehicles manually, Provider will communicate with Client, and if it becomes an issue, an additional handling fee per container equivalency will be incurred. The following steps will take place if problematic handling is required when services are provided.

  1. If a handling issue occurs as part of a service visit, it will be documented using pictures, a container equivalency for estimating how many containers would have actually been needed to contain all the material, and general notes in order to communicate with Client and aid course correction.

  2. If a handling issue occurs for the second time, the documentation and communication process will be repeated in order to let the Client know the issue hasn’t been resolved. Additionally, Provider may let Client know that if a handling issue occurs again, an additional fee will be assessed in order to address the cost of handling.

  3. The third instance of handling issues in the context of an ongoing issue where communication and documentation have been clear will result in additional fees being assessed. If the need for handling continues and attempts to correct the issue are inadequate, service may be altered in order to address the issue at Client's expense.

At Provider’s discretion, if surplus material is deemed too difficult to handle, Provider reserves the right to not collect the material, providing no credit for the material not being serviced.

Contamination & Sorting

​​Contamination is anything put into Provider’s containers that is not compostable. Generally, if it grows it goes. However, when in doubt, don't include it. See Provider’s list of acceptable materials.  Provider works hard to make our compost as trash/contamination-free as possible. When the containers are “contaminated” it makes that process much more difficult and sometimes impossible. Food waste composting equipment and markets are still developing in their ability to manage contaminants. Once contaminants are introduced into the food waste stream there is no effective way to remove them. In order to sustainably maintain food waste composting, contamination must be kept to a minimum. Simply put, “Only you can prevent trashy compost!”

The following steps will take place if problematic contamination is found in food waste containers when serviced. 

  1. If problematic contamination is in the Provider's containers as part of a service visit, it will be documented using pictures, our standardized contamination scale, and general notes in order to communicate with the location contact and aid course correction.

  2. If a contamination issue occurs for the second time, the documentation and communication process will be repeated in order to let the location contact know the issue hasn’t been resolved. Additionally, the Provider may let the location contact know that if a contamination issue occurs again, an additional fee will be assessed in order to address the cost of sorting out contamination or contaminated containers may not be serviced at the Client’s expense.

  3. The third instance of a contamination issue in the context of an ongoing issue where communication and documentation have been clear will result in additional fees. If contamination continues and attempts to correct the issue are inadequate, service will be stopped and containers will be removed at the Client’s expense.

At Provider’s discretion, if food waste is deemed too contaminated prior to servicing a container, Provider reserves the right to not service a container at the Client’s expense and to suspend services to that container until the contamination is cleared by the Client, providing no credit for the container not being serviced.

In cases where food waste is serviced and contamination is found after food waste has been collected Provider reserves the right to charge contamination fees at its discretion.


It is always the Provider’s goal to leave service areas as clean or cleaner than it was when we arrived and to leave no trace of activity beyond containers having been serviced. Incidental off spray from washing the outsides of containers does sometimes remain, and incidental spills do sometimes happen. However, trucks are equipped with brooms, shovels, pressure washers, and floor-dry in order to make sure no food waste residue spilled during servicing remains. Additionally, all wash water used in washing the inside of containers is loaded into the truck. At the same time Provider is not responsible for keeping service areas clear of others’ messes.

Provider drivers report when service areas are inaccessible, untidy, or otherwise encumbered to a degree that the food waste composting program could be at risk of regulatory or public scrutiny, and Clients are requested to share if ever such a concern should arise relating to service.


Provider maintains an extremely high success rate avoiding pest, odor, leachate, and litter issues by providing watertight and lidded containers that keep compostable material, liquids, and odors in while keeping pests like insects and rodents out.

Keeping lids closed and containers away from structures, brush, or throughways that could result in animal or passerby tampering is a strongly recommended best practice. Pest and odor issues can typically be managed down to non-issue levels using best practices. Latches or straps are not provided but may be used if desired. Locks are strongly discouraged and service failure due to locked containers is not the fault of Provider.

If vector issues arise Provider will work with location contacts in order to resolve any problem.

Damage or Loss

Provider plans for normal equipment wear and tear and will repair or replace containers and equipment that is damaged or worn to a degree where its ability to perform adequately is compromised. However, if damage or loss occurs as a result of obvious Clent negligence at its sole discretion, Provider reserves the right to assess fees to Clients for damaged or lost equipment.


It is always the Provider’s intention to provide more than ample dialogue, documentation, and support, providing "if this then that" communications writing concerning payments, and making sure corrective fees and actions are expected and understood if it ever comes to that.

Introductory Invoice & Setup (fees)

Upon approving an annualized service proposal, completing a program champion profile, completing a billing account profile, completing one or more service location profiles, and executing any other necessary requirements such as certifying insurance coverage or additional terms – an introductory invoice will be provided for any necessary setup fees and initial container delivery. The introductory invoice is non-refundable.

Upon verifying in writing that the initial invoice has been submitted for remittance, container delivery and service can be scheduled. Initial payment does not need to be received before delivery and service can be scheduled. The goal is to make sure everything that is needed for successfully receiving payment is in place before starting service.

Invoicing Frequency

Monthly, Provider will send each billing account profile an invoice for services provided in the previous month.

Client may elect to pay for a full year of service upfront and may qualify for a discount for doing so. In this case, if changes are made through the paid period, additional fees will be invoiced as they occur and credits will be made available at the end of the paid period.

Invoicing Method

Provider will send invoices to Client billing account email address.

Client may elect to receive invoices by an alternate means including but not limited to USPS or an invoicing portal. In these cases, additional fees may apply.

Multi Job Invoicing Credit 

When a single billing account is connected to multiple service locations and invoices for said service locations are invoiced on a single invoice to the single billing account, a credit is available for each service location invoiced greater than one due to the efficiencies created by being able to invoice multiple service locations on a single invoice. Individual service locations will be separated within the invoice in cases like these.

Event Services Invoicing

Due to the finite and definable nature of events which typically require account setup, job setup, container placement, service, and container removal all as part of one sequence – invoicing for these services is done all upfront and is expected to be paid before services are executed.

In the event that the material collected requires sorting, an additional follow-up invoice will be sent.

Any service which consists of less than 3 months of continuous service constitutes event service.


Payment Methods

Authorizing Provider to automatically draft ACH payment 2-3 business days following invoicing is preferred and may qualify Client for a discount.

Client initiated bank-to-bank electronic ACH payments are accepted.

Paper check payment via USPS and credit card payment via Quickbooks Payments are also accepted though less preferred.

Payment Terms

Prompt payment of invoices due upon receipt is appreciated. Provider at its sole discretion may extend alternate terms and expect timely payment per set terms. Late payment and alternate terms may result in additional fees.

Delinquency “3 Strikes & Hardball” Process

The following steps will take place if an invoice becomes overdue.

Provider will at Greater than 30 Days Past Due:

  • communicate payment has not been received

  • request a date when the invoice can expect to be paid

  • remind Client of the past due fee schedule

Provider will at Greater than 60 Days Past Due:

  • repeat actions taken at greater than 30 days past due

  • explain that if payment is not received by 90 days past due, service may be paused

Provider will at Greater than 90 Days Past Due:

  • repeat actions taken at greater than 30 days past due

  • explain that service will be paused until payment is received

  • explain that if payment is not received by 120 days past due, containers may be removed at Client’s expense.

Provider will at Greater than 120 Days Past Due:

  • repeat actions taken at greater than 30 days past due

  • explain that service will remain paused until payment is received

  • explain that containers will be removed at Client’s expense

  • explain that Provider may seek additional support through collection services in order to collect payment