What’s New in GoZERO’s 2025 Pricing and Terms Updates?
Below is a quick list of top-line changes to GoZERO’s terms of service, which will be transitioned to a scope of service within an annual service agreement starting January 1, 2025. By continuing to use GoZERO Services, you acknowledge and accept these updates.
Please request an updated service quote and agreement for further details.
Pricing is being increased effective July 1, 2025 to help keep up with increased costs of inputs. We are excited to share that we are incrementally finding ways to work more efficiently with better data and logistics, but even with these improvements, it’s become clear we need to increase rates in order to stay ahead of costs and make sure we’re here to serve you for years to come.
Pricing is increasing mid-year so that only half the impact will be felt in 2025 in hopes that this will make it easier for more locations to keep composting. For the 2025 calendar year, changes are designed to create about a 10% increase.
Transition to Annual Service Agreements
In order to establish an interval when services, terms, and pricing can be renewed and altered if need be, GoZERO is transitioning away from offering services in perpetuity and toward offering annual service agreements.
Annual service agreements specify that GoZERO and clients are to maintain good communication between each other because there have been instances where major client changes have occurred and not until weeks and months later is GoZERO informed. GoZERO has and will always pride itself on being a proactive communicator, expressly creating the expectation that clients do likewise is the goal of the communication section update.
GoZERO is standardizing its holiday schedule, delaying service one day for services scheduled on or following a listed holiday within a given week.
Services can still be increased, decreased, changed, added, skipped, paused, or canceled at any time. However, we’re pivoting to a model where annually pre-planned, vs timely requested, vs quick-turn emergency changes will have slightly different impacts on invoicing.
Transport & Service Area
Charging transport appropriately for locations that are further afield relative to core service areas has always been a challenge. With this update, transport costs will be standardized on a county-by-county area for outlying areas. If it happens to be possible to charge a lesser rate per a specific location’s position in a given county, GoZERO will strive to do so, but the standard rates should help make pricing easier to calculate.
Issue Resolution
GoZERO has always had a policy of communicating proactively and making sure there are no surprises if and when issues arise. Terms updates outline this process more expressly and outline when action may be taken at the client’s expense to preserve compliance and safety independent of client acceptance and approvals.
In the past when material overflowed containers, GoZERO was able to hand load the additional material and only charge an additional container equivalent for the additional material. Going forward, if overfilling becomes an issue, GoZERO may need to charge an additional handling fee to cover the cost of manually handling and loading material when it is not containerized.
Delinquency & Extended Terms
In the last few years, we’re all aware that interest rates have made credit more expensive. When GoZERO carries accounts payable longer, it makes everything cost more. In the interest of allowing pricing to reflect costs, extended terms can still be requested. However, we’re not in a position to carry those or delinquencies without asking for a little help covering those costs.
Multi Job Invoicing Credit
GoZERO’s excited to offer a small discount per location when more than one location is invoiced on a single invoice.
Automatic ACH Draft Credit
GoZERO’s excited to offer a small discount when clients agree to allow GoZERO to draft their checking accounts after an invoice is posted.
Annual Payment Credit
GoZERO’s excited to offer a small discount to customers who wish to pay for a year’s worth of service upfront.
Please be in touch with us at support@gozero.org with any questions or concerns.
If these changes create a risk that composting may become difficult to continue, please consider reaching out in order to explore modifying services in order to address constraints rather than canceling outright.
Thank you for allowing GoZERO to be part of how you keep food waste out of the landfill, and thank you for helping to build a brighter future for our children's children.